Zapier Example: Google Sheets

Before following this example check out Zapier Getting Started article.

Example: Save newly booked customers in Google Sheet

In this example we will save names and contact details of customers in Google Sheet after they are booked in Udio.

First create new spreadsheet in your Google account with those columns.

Sign up or Login to Zapier.

If you have not added Udio to your account then click the invite link. And accept the invitation. This is required only once. After accepting invite you will always have Udio integration in your account.

Click Create Zap in the left menu.

Enter Udio in App Event search and click on Udio in the list. If you do not have Udio in the list, use invite link to add it.

On the next screen choose Trigger Event: New Regular Booking. And click Continue.

Click Choose Account... and select Udio account you would like to use. Or click + Connect a new account to connect to Udio.

On the new screen enter your school url into Udio URL field. It should look like

Without 'https://' or anything else after

Login into Udio on the next screen and Authorise access for Zapier.

Select required facility and course on the next screen. Click continue.

Use Test Trigger on the next screen to get some recent new booking from your Udio database to see that everything works correctly. Click continue at the end of the page.

At the next screen you can select any kind of app in the Zapier catalog. We will select Google Sheets for this example. And will choose Create Spreadsheet Row as Action Event.

Now select or connect to a Google Account.

Choose previously created spreadsheet and required sheet.

Fill the columns with the data from Udio. Fields from Udio include all data from the billing account, including all the people. To select the person just booked in, use 'Event Person' field.

Enter bill payer contact details next.

Click Continue. And Test & Continue on the next screen.

Data from this step was pushed to your Google Sheets.

Click Turn on Zap to enable automatic pushing of all newly added people.