Zapier Example: ActiveCampaign

Before following this example check out Zapier Getting Started article.

Example: Create and Update customer data in Active Campaign

Sign up or Login to Zapier.

Our integration is currently in "beta" status, so to add it to your account use our page in Zapier's catalog:

Enter ActiveCampaign in 'Search for pairing apps'.

Click "Connect Udio + ActiveCampaign".

On the next screen choose Trigger Event: Billing Account Updated. And click Continue.

Click Choose Account... and select Udio account you would like to use. Or click + Connect a new accountto connect to Udio.

On the new screen enter your school url into Udio URL field. It should look like

Without 'https://' or anything else after

Login into Udio on the next screen and Authorise access for Zapier.

Select required facility and update frequency on the next screen. It is not recommended to update data too often, so we will select once a day. Click continue.

Use Test Trigger on the next screen to get some billing account from your Udio database to see that everything works correctly. Click continue at the end of the page.

At the next screen you can select any kind of app in the Zapier catalog. We will select ActiveCampaign for this example. (You need Active Campaign for this example, but you can use any other app in similar fashion).

Select Create or Update Contact in Action Event and click Continue.

Connect to ActiveCampaign or select already connected account. Follow ActiveCampaign instructions on how to do that. Click Continue.

Start filling inputs for an Action.

Udio provides all sorts of fields with different kind of data, select which field from Udio should be copied into field in ActiveCampaign.

All custom fields from ActiveCampaign will be visible as well.

Click Continue at the bottom of this long page.

And then use Test Action screen to send this example data into your ActiveCampaign.

At the end Click Turn on Zap. 

From this moment all billing accounts updated in the Udio account will be created and updated inside ActiveCampaign.