Child's progression

Your customers can view their child’s progress through the Customer Portal, there are a few steps to set this part of the system up. You can use your own course icons and certificates if you have them, otherwise Udio has generic ones that will be used.

Achievements and Course Completions

Depending if your certificates have a signature you can add your school name in a text box and moved to the Signature area on a PDF. I have used SignPainter Font for a signature.

Convert all PDF’s to PNG format with the pixels of 180.

Go to Settings in Udio

Update Permissions

  •    Configure login permission groups
  •    Group
  •    Select All
  •    Click Confirm

Certificates for both Achievements and Course Completions

  •    Courses & Programmes – Certificates
  •    Add New Certificate
  •    Add the name
  •    Choose the file (achievement or course completion), this must be a PNG file -only if you are using your own certificates
  •    Change the font size if required
  •    Click Confirm

You can then position labels depending on your certificate, scroll to the bottom of the page and you can Hide or Show different labels.

Position the labels to suit your certificates, if you are using the generic certificates these labels should populate in the correct positions.

‘Save Labels Positions’

Repeat for all Achievements and Course Completions that you have.

Course Completion

  •    Settings
  •    Courses & Programmes – Configure courses
  •    Choose the first Course – Edit
  •    Click on the dropdown box for Certificate and chose the appropriate Course Completion
  •    Leave ticked or untick ‘Show in Progress’, you may not want a School Holiday program to appear on the Progression page
  •    Upload your course icon if you have one
  •    Enter information into ‘General course information’, this is where you are talk about this course and what they will be learning whilst in that Course, you can also add a video link to your You Tube channel for them to watch and refer back to.
  •    Click Confirm


For Achievements, you will need to update the information in Achievements

  •   Settings
  •   Courses & Programmes – Configure achievements
  •   Choose the first Course – Edit
  •   Tick or untick ‘Count towards progress’, this would be unticked if you have a General Achievement that you give out.
  •   Certificate – Choose the Achievement from the list
  •   Click Confirm

Repeat for all Achievements.

Your customers will now view their child’s current and previous progress as long as the Achievements and Course Completions have been entered for that swimmer.