Sessions screen - View Details

On each session when you tap on View Details you will see information about the session, course and each person booked in.

On the View Details you will have Session time information listed on the top right hand side of the screen along with Course information. You can click on the previous or next sessions.

Alongside the person booked in you will see if this is their first session, if they are returning or it’s there last session. These will be coloured labels.

You will also see their age, if they owe money ($), any achievements, health issues and notes that were added on the People page and notes added for this course.

You are able to check in or cancel a this lesson as well as viewing if they have attended, cancelled or missed.

If the customer is booked in for a make up, casual lesson or any other one off bookings created by your business has created, you will see a label with the type such as Make Up, casual.

By click on the three dots (…) you can:

  •       Add a Note
  •       Add Achievement
  •       Add Course Completion
  •       Start date in this Course and number of times attended
  •       View days since last contacted and tap on the ‘Contacted’ button when a customer has been spoken to, this will update the days since contacted.