Payments List
Payments List
The payments List report allows you to track all the financial transactions processed during a period of time. Each transaction is time stamped so it can be tracked back to a time of day or even to a person that was on the desk at the time.
You see a summary of the totals in the right hand corner with a total amount, as well as Subtotals by Payment Type.
You can filter on dates, types and facility. This will allow you to see all transactions performed within your business.
End of shift or day balancing
To balance at the end of the shift or day, filter on the payment types that were taken over the counter, such as Cash, EFTPOS / CC, Cheque.
You will then balance your physical takings to the Subtotals recorded in the top right hand corner
From the Payments List Report the money is divided out into categories according to your set up. Below are the reports you will need to look at, ensure all your filters are the exactly the same on each report and you don't include Credit Redemption
- Payments and Charges (by Programme) OR Payments and Charges (by Package)
- Payments and Charges (POS)
- Payments and Charges (Other)
- Credits List (search advan) this will list everyone that has paid more than the invoice so the account has gone into credit
These reports will total to the same amount as the Payments List Report.