Tour of Udio

Watch the Help Centre Video

Welcome to Udio, your new booking and payment system.

Udio is a user-friendly system that gives you the ability to actively manage bookings, payments and reports.

Let’s take a quick look at some of the features prior to commencing your training.

Let's start by taking a quick look at the application home screen. Here's a visual snapshot indicating where each button and icon leads:

A. Feedback - let us know how you're finding Udio

B. User settings - edit your user profile, including timezone, language and facility preference

C. Logout of Udio

D. Widgets - select the widgets you want to add to your dashboard

E. Dashboard - provides a snapshot of the upcoming day's events and relevant activity; you can also search for people using the search bar

F. People - search, edit and manage account details of your customers and staff, including names, addresses, health information and any notes; see at a glance what bookings your customer has coming up, as well as their past attendance

G. Sessions - shows active and upcoming sessions, viewable in list, sheet or calendar format; this is also where you'll add bookings and view the occupancy of each session (including how many students are permanently booked in, number of available spots and how many temporary vacancies are available for make ups) 

H. Waiting List - shows a list of students you've added to the waiting list; if their requested time becomes available, you can invite them to join the class

I. POS (point of sale) - if you sell products, you can use the POS section to view stock levels and facilitate payments for items sold

J. Issues - identifies any email bounces

K. Reports - a snapshot of the facility/location, it's activity and financial information, with easy access to all reports such as booking statistics and outstanding invoices

L. Settings - configure a range of settings including billing, courses and cancellation rules; note: the customer portal link is also location in this section

M. Help Centre - useful articles and step-by-step guides to help you navigate the system