Head Office Transfer
This is where there is a one-off item or items that don’t touch stock numbers. You can set up a supplier called head office transfer which will allow you to transfer items without entering or exiting your physical stock.
Stock arrives at Head Office (or direct from the supplier)
- Physically count the stock and allocate it to the appropriate store
- Create each item in Udio remembering to upload images
- Add the SKU and attributes, select the image and click 'Confirm'
- Scan or find the item and add the wholesale price (for this you need to add Head Office, Head Office Transfer and Supplier) and retail price
You then create an order:
- Go to 'All stores' and select the store
- Click 'Stock' in the top right-hand corner followed by 'Stock Orders'
- Click 'Add new order' and select 'Head Office Transfer' as the source
- Hit 'Create Order'
- Scan or search the item you want to transfer
- Click 'Update Order' then 'Send for Processing' (twice)
- Click 'Dispatch' (twice)
- Mark items as received, accept and close