June 2023

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for June 2023, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New DoB added to Waiting List
New Siblings identified in Waiting List
New Can Edit a Waiting List item
New Can add a comment in Waiting List
New Create Issues in Configure events to track new customers
New Notify Button now in Sessions
New Restriction of IP address, black and white label

Improved Vouchers - Expire and Extend have been merged to Change Expiry
Improved Removed facilities not displayed in Term creation
Improved Activity Report - can filter SMS and Emails for charging purposes
Improved Can display charges description in Stripe Payments
Improved Facility displayed when removing a staff booking
Improved Facilities displayed in Packages so it can be unticked if not offered at the facility
Improved Can delete a Term before the sessions are created
Improved Contact details are included in Download of Birthdays

Fixed Spinner in Sessions in now spinning
Fixed Waiting List issue with links expiring before the 24 hours