Pool Test Log

The pool test log allows you to record swimming pool measurements.

Note: the pool test log must be enabled by a member of Udio - please email support@udiosystems.com if you would like us to switch the module on. You can set this up in your Sandbox first by updating your permissions -  we strongly recommend doing so before requesting Udio to enable it in your live environment.


You can create parameters to measure (e.g. ‘pH level’) and set up schedules for the times and days measurements need recording for each separate swimming pool at your facility/facilities.

Parameters can either be ‘measured’ or ‘calculated’. Measured parameters are taken by the user and the value is simply recorded in Udio. Calculated parameters use two other measured parameters to calculate their value. For example, ‘DPD1’ and ‘DPD3’ might be measured parameters, but a third parameter, ‘GAP’, may be calculated by subtracting ‘DPD1’ from ‘DPD3’. Calculated parameters will not be shown in forms when creating or editing measurements. Udio will perform this calculation automatically and display the result anywhere the measurement is displayed.

Udio will raise an issue if a measurement has not been recorded within one hour of its scheduled time. If that measurement is subsequently recorded, the issue will be resolved automatically.

Swimming Pool Limits

You can create swimming pool limits to identify the high or low boundaries a parameter should usually fall within for a swimming pool. You can also choose to raise an issue when a parameter value is invalid, i.e. when it is not a number.

When a parameter's value falls outside these boundaries (or is invalid), Udio will raise an issue. If the value is edited and then falls within any defined boundaries, the issue will be resolved automatically.

Default Parameter Values

For convenience, you can create default parameter values for each swimming pool. When taking a measurement for that pool, any values that have defaults set will be

auto-filled in the ‘Take Measurement’ field (note: you can still edit these when recording the measurement). For example, if a certain parameter is nearly always the same (e.g. ‘pH level’ is always 7.5), simply create a default parameter value in the relevant swimming pool and the value 7.5 will be auto-filled for the ‘pH level’ field in the ‘Take Measurement’ form.