June 2022

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for June 2022, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New   Bulk Move - in View Details of Sessions you can move multiple students at the same time to another session
New  Set a minimum password of 4 characters to Udio passwords. Ability to set your own password complexity via the General Account Settings
New  Replace Staff function can now be used for permanent replacement
Improved  The notify function in Sessions, have students names ticked and session information in text box as a default
Improved  Pool Test Log 'Take Measurement' has a back and forward toggle
Improved  Re-charge function can be done by facility
Improved  The 'Add New Charge' button no longer requires a - to indicate a negative value
Improved  Sheets - in the show field has Personal Notes Starred and Unstarred
Improved  Updated the Package Pricing so previous pricing can't be deleted
Improved  Staff Roster report will always display all staff regardless if they are current or inactive
Improved  Ability to restrict customers from receiving a make up if they have cancelled a make up lesson
Improved  Tick box for acknowledgement of Terms of Service when signing up to the Customer Portal
Improved  Added UK as a country and Pounds Sterling as a currency
Improved  Timetable only displaying relevant courses to a Facility
Improved  When building courses the 'Waiting List' is defaulted to customer can't add themselves to the waiting list
Improved  Subscription notifications for Issues
Improved  Use Twilio for SMS
Improved  Show who sent Waiting List invitation
Improved  Inactive Staff will not be displayed on Sessions once they have become inactive
Improved  Purchases List report enables you to search for customers with a Purchase but no Booking
Improved  Added Other and Prefer not to say to Gender
Improved  Sheets - have a filter to display Course Information
Improved  Sheets - have a filter to display the RP information
Improved  Responsible Person information included in a People search download
Fixed  In People search with Term but no data, there is now no error
Fixed  Some course notes where duplicating