November 2021

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for November 2021, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New    Ability to Email or SMS from a Sessions page
           Sessions - View Details of the Session - Notify
New    View previous Notes of a student
New    Update name for Emails when sent
           Settings - Facilities - Configure Facilities - Edit Facility - Email from name:
New    Waiting List in the Customer Portal. Customers can add themselves to a full class and view their waiting list information
            Settings - Courses & Programmes - Configure courses - Edit - Online Bookings - Allow online waiting list add: 
New    Easier way to replace a Teacher for a single shift or permanently
           Sessions - View Details - 3 dots - Replace Staff Member
New   Ability for customers to not be able to cancel a lesson in the Portal
          Settings - Packages & Purchasing - configure cancellation rules - Edit each course - Usage by Customers:
New   When cancelling a lesson or session from the Sessions page, you can apply a credit or add a voucher
New   When Remove a Booking you have the option to send an automated email or not
Improved    Static page on Sessions - View Details
Improved    Ability to only search on your facility when there are multiple facilities on one Database
Improved   Date of Birth displayed on the person select widget to help identify customers with the same name
Improved   Download of Postcode information now includes the suburb
Improved  Download of Outstanding Invoices Report now includes the facility
Improved  Reports will default to the Daylight Savings timezone
Improved  Customers unable to book into a 2nd lesson if Settings don't allow for this.
                 Settings - Customer Accounts - Customer Account Settings - Bookings - Multiple Purchases (per course):
Improved  Cancel a Lesson from the People page
Improved  Wording on a confirmation button on the Customer Portal booking
Improved  Added a Unable to Attend button to the Portal to make it easier for the customers know where to go for this