September 2021

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for September 2021, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New  Businesses Facebook feed in their Portal. 
Update your Settings - Customer Accounts - Customer Account Settings - Facebook Feed URL:
New  Report: Postcode Heat map
For this report go to Reports - People - Postcode Heatmap. To view a explanation of the Report please go to the Reports Category
New  Postcode added to the Customer Portal Sign up page
Improved  Customer Portal booking confirmation page displayed booking information
Improved  Advanced People Search will default to Login Permission Facility or Facilities to make the search for multiple facilities easier
Improved  Updated ABN wording to be Company Number to include rest of the world
Improved  Removed the wording from the Tag for Bookings
Improved  Advanced People search for Terms not to included removed booking, only display active bookings