July 2021

What’s new

Booking Statistics (by Course) Report

You can choose the dates you wish to see rather than seven days at a time. If you enter a start date and do not enter an end date the system will display the ensuing 7 days.

If you filter a distinct period of time, you will see each day listed.

Customer Contact

The Customer Contact button is a great way for tracking those customers who have not been spoken to for the longest duration. The widget settings can be updated in Settings.

Settings - Account - Dashboard Widget Configurations - Customer Contact. In here you can update the number of people to be displayed and the minimum days since the last contact.

The widget will then display those students with the highest number of days since last contacted, making it easy to know who should be 'contacted'.

Once the customer has been 'contacted' the staff member should note this by pressing the Contacted button on the Dashboard Widget, in Sessions on the People page of the student.

Updates to the Dashboard have been made to ensure the Contact information is in Time and Session order and is more user-friendly for staff members.

If you need to view students who have not been contacted within a certain period of time, you can do an Advanced People search with the 'Last Contact' search filter. Once the search has been downloaded you will see the last contact date and number of days since contacted.

Closure Dates

If you need to delete a closure day, the system will automatically reinstate the Sessions and Booking information (you will no longer have to restore each session).

The system does not remove vouchers or credits that have been applied. This will need to be done manually.

The deletion does not adjust the fees, you will still need to run the Re-Charge function to raise the fees.

Advanced Search for Term Based Customers

For our Term based businesses you can now conduct an advanced search on customers booked into a selected term.

Advanced Search for Waiting List

You can now send out a Mass Email to everyone on your waiting list as you may want to market your School Holiday program.

Downloading Advanced Search Information

Whenever you download the advanced search information, it will include the current booking, regular and voucher booking information.

Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for (DD)

You can now separate Terms of Service and Payment Provider. We have redesigned the formatting to ensure it can be printed.

To update this information. Settings – Customer Accounts – Customer Accounts Settings – Terms of Service & Privacy Policy.  There are now separate items for Terms of Service for your business, for your Payment Provider and Privacy Policy. Each one can be updated and the customer will see each section when they click on one of the items.

Dropdown box for credits

You can choose your credits descriptions to be free form text or a selection from a Dropdown box. To initiate the dropdown function, you can create the answers in Settings. If a member wishes to write a note about the credit, they can do this under Notes in the Billing Account.

Please note if you choose the dropdown box option, you cannot have a free form description.

Update your permissions to include Credit Description (all)
Then Settings – Billing – Credit Descriptions – create your list.

Health Issues in Customer Portal

Customers can now view their Health Information in the Portal under the People Tab. Customers will not be able to view Notes or Attachments.

If you want customers to update or add their own Health Information, proceed to Settings.

Settings – Customer Accounts – Customer Account Settings – Health Issues – Customer can add/remove health issues for people on their billing account.

View All Booking Information

There maybe times when a customer requires a copy of their attendance record. Now when viewing a customer's bookings, you will be able to Download to a spreadsheet or PDF.

From the People page, click on View All and filter on the period requested, then download.

Emailing one off invoices

Some customers can claim lesson fees through a government agency or health insurance provider.

Instead of sending an invoice via your Accounting Software you can email an open invoice directly to a customer from their Billing Account by clicking on the invoice number. You will see three buttons 'Cancel Invoice', 'Email Invoice' and 'Print'.

Click on Email Invoice and the invoice will then be emailed to the nominated email address. You can also see the status of the email being sent.

Checking Customers in via the People Page

We have removed the confirmation step when checking a person in from the People Page, making each check in one less click.