General Settings

Email templates need to set up before they can be selected from the drop-down box.


  • Under ‘General Settings’, the first thing you will see is a space to upload your logo
  • The size should be at least 600 x 150
  • Recommended size is 300 x 75 which will ensure all outgoing emails are styled the same as your other branding/promotional material
  • Note: you can update the logo size for the customer portal in ‘Customer Accounts Settings’


  • Select the country that you are operating in
  • You can only select one country per account; if you operate across multiple countries, we can create different accounts for each (you’ll still be able to navigate easily between the countries) 

Charges & Purchasing

  • Currency – choose the relevant currency for your business
  • First charge policy – select from the drop-down box
  • Course per purchase restriction – select from the drop-down box
  • Discount behaviour - select from the drop-down box (please read the explanation for this field)
  • Minimum automatic payment – enter a dollar and cent amount, e.g. $2.50
  • Inactivity period, months - please read the explanation for this field


  • Process automatic payments - enable or disable the different payment providers Udio provides (please read the explanation for this field)