March 2021

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for March 2021, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New    Email platform updates - please refer to the Email Platform article in the Help Centre
New   Event Activity on the People pages and Reports - All Activity
New  Calendar on Expanded and List displays the $ at a Session level and on the Student that owes money
New  Vouchers List Report
New  Voucher Summary Report
New  When restricting the cancellation period of a lesson, customers can still cancel the lesson but won't receive a make up
Updated  Highlights in red when there is a mismatch between a Course Billing Group and the Billing Group on the student
Updated  Updated the wording on Health issue
Updated  Reversed invoices showed a 0.00 figure, now updated to display the reversed amount
Updated  Purchases List Report - parent name, email address and phone number included in download
Updated  Unable to attend event, now goes to the Sessions page
Fixed  Provisional Booking excluded from any discount
Fixed  Vouchers now counted separate if there are maximum limits
Fixed  Financial: Automatic Payment Failed is no longer Default
Fixed  Financial: Payment used outstanding credit wasn't working
Fixed  Facebook Login for Customer Portal stopped working