Configure Package Discounts

Package discounts can be used to discount the cost of a course. For example, if a family has two members already signed up at your business, you may elect to give the third family member a discount. You can also discount a person attending multiple lessons.

The discount is applied to the cheapest package.

Add New Discounts

  •       From Settings, click on ‘Configure package discounts’ and select ‘Add New’
  •       Enter the name and description, then select the packages and facilities the discount applies to
  •       Apply your businesses discount policy - there is individual purchases and all purchases discount - please read the information or contact Udio
  •       Click ‘Confirm’


  •       Click on the ‘Edit’ button to make changes to the name, description, packages, facilities & discount rules
  •       Click ‘Confirm’ to save the changes

Individual Purchases Discounts

This rule will give every purchase individual discount. For example, if a third child receives a 25% discount and a fourth child receives a 50% discount, you ‘Add Rule’:

  • Person: 3
  • Purchase: 1
  • Amount: 25%

Repeat for person four. Four and over will receive this discount. If you want to give a discount on a second lesson for a student:

  • Person: 1
  • Purchase: 2
  • Amount: 10%

All Purchases Discounts

If you give a discount to all family members when they reach a number of bookings, you will enter the information here. For example:

  • People: 3
  • Amount: 10%

This discount will then apply to all family members that have a booking.