August 2020

Upgrades to Udio Software

Over the past couple of months, we have been working on upgrades to the Udio Software suite we use to develop with. This upgrade ensures that Udio delivers functionality more quickly.
This update is currently sitting in Sandbox and will be released to Production on Sunday 23 rd August. We have been testing the upgrades to ensure that there won't be any performance issues to your business.

Additional Report - Attendance with Contact Information

Given what’s happening in some countries/states with the implementation of restrictions, we thought a report listing all attendances along with their contact details might come in handy if there is an outbreak in your area and this information is requested.
It is on a rolling 30-day cycle, so should cover the timeline that you will require.
You will find the report under Additional Reports.

If you can't see the report, please email and we will have it added.