Configure Packages, Pricing and Availability

Packages, pricing and availability are all variables in business that are subject to change. In this step, you are essentially entering the price of your courses and selecting the charging interval (how often a customer is billed). We recommend separating your pricing out according to your programmes, even if the pricing is the

The following steps allow pertinent information to be added and changed. In this step, you are essentially entering in the price or your courses and selecting the charging interval (how often a customer is billed). Separate your pricing out according to your Programmes even if the pricing is the same.

Add New Packaging & Pricing

  •       Click on ‘Configure Packages, Pricing and Availability’ and select ‘Add New Package’
  •       Choose the appropriate package type, reading the descriptions associated with each before selecting
  •       Enter the package name of the package and select the courses that relate to this package
  •       Select the number of sessions per week from the drop-down box
  •       Select the charging day of the month from the drop-down box (doesn’t apply to term-based)
  •       Do not update the pro-rata day update unless advised by Udio
  •       Select the advance charge’ (this is the number of days in advance to raise fees, e.g. if you raise fees on the 1st of the month and don’t want to charge in advance, select ‘charge at the start of the period’, otherwise select the number of days in advance you want to charge)
  •       Select the programme that you want to report charges under (note: only select one programme)
  •       Tick available for purchase to make sure the package is active
  •       If you wish to hide the package as it is not a regular purchase (such as staff discount), tick special package
  •       Add the billing group you wish to restrict this package to (e.g. staff discount)
  •       Add a description if required and click ‘Confirm’

Edit Packaging & Pricing

  •       Click on the ‘Edit’ button and make any changes
  •       Click ‘Confirm’ to save the changes

Manage / update Fees

  •       Click ‘Manage pricing’ next to the package you wish to edit
  •       Select ‘Add new pricing option’
  •       Enter the start date (cannot post-date), price including tax and tax rate
  •       The price excluding tax and tax value will be automatically updated
  •       Select the facilities this price applies to
  •       Click ‘Confirm’ to save the changes

To update a price immediately:

  • Select "Add New Pricing Option"
  • Make "Valid From: " today's date
  • Previous price will be overwritten. However, will remain visible for historical reasons.