March 2020

Hello to our Udio Community,

Udio is here for you during this challenging time. We are small and nimble team, and are here to support. Both and my personal email address are being monitored to respond to any questions.

We understand one of the priorities will be to suspend customers payments. Below are two ways to ensure payments are stopped. Please select the appropriate method for your business.

Options for closures:

Add Closure Dates

  •       Settings
  •       Facilities
  •       Configure facility closure days
  •       Add New Closure Day
  •       You can add a date range for 14 days and then repeat if required
  •       Choose the correct Mode so fees are not raised

Our suggestion is to only do this for a month at a time so that when the government lifts the band you don’t have to do too much work reinstating Sessions.

Please note that once the closure dates have been added the sessions will be cancelled. If your school reopens mid month, sessions can be reinstated but fees will not be automatically raised.

You will not see any booking information on the Booking Statistics Report during the closure dates.

Setting Packages to 0.00

    •       Settings
    •       Facilities
    •       Configure facilities
    •       Package information will be displayed with the latest value

Disable Automatic Payments (this is really just a back up)

  •       Settings
  •       Account
  •       General Settings
  •       Payments
  •       Process Automatic Payments
  •       Disable
  •       Update

Do you need to credit your customers for the lesson missed or apply a Make Up due to the sudden closure?

I strongly recommend that you test this in Sandbox before proceeding in Production to ensure this does what you need it to.

To Cancel Sessions go to:

  • Sessions
  • Cancel Sessions (top right hand corner)
  • Select the sessions you want cancelled (use Select only and only do 6 or so at a time)
  • Select the Action you wish to do (use the third option - Apply Credits for regular bookings, return vouchers for once off bookings)
  • Confirm

The session will be cancelled and a credit will be applied to the customer (including calculation of the family discount) and make up vouchers will be reinstated.

Please note when you cancel a session the booking numbers will not be displayed on the Bookings Statistics Report.

If you still want to see the booking numbers, then you can cancel the bookings for that session and the credits and make up re-issue will also work. This has to be done for each session.

To Cancel the Bookings only:

  • Sessions
  • View Details on the Session you wish to cancel the bookings on
  • 'Cancel Bookings' button right hand side of the screen
  • Select all or some of the Students
  • Update the Apply Credit to 'Apply credits proportionally to the bookings values' and Return voucher 'Mark vouchers as unused'
  • Click Confirm

A confirmation screen will be displayed with all the actions conducted.

If you have any issues or questions in regard to the above, please do not hesitate to ask.

We wish you all the best and please stay safe and healthy.