Outstanding Invoices

The Outstanding Invoices Report allows you to see your outstanding monies, you can view for all or individual facilities. You can view by day of the week and a date range as well as different Billing Groups.

Not only does it give you the Bill payers name but the invoice number and the ability to click through to the billing account or invoice.

If you have automatic payments or Direct Debit you can tick Automatic payment error and it will display the reason why the transaction was rejected as well as the amount.

Depending on your policy you have the ability to Retry the transaction. To do this click on the invoice number and the invoice will be displayed. There is a Retry button; simply click on this and the payment will go into the queue for processing. If successful the monies will be created to the account and removed from the Open Invoices Report. If the payment fails it will remain on the Open Invoices Report with the retry date and the explanation.