Outstanding Credit
The Outstanding Credit report allows you to report on credits that have not been used by customers and remain outstanding.
The outstanding credits can be searched by Status Date and Billing Account type:
- With any Credits
- With any Credits (exclude accounts with 0 current credit)
- With all Credits issued before this date
- Will all Credits issued before this date (exclude accounts with 0 current credit)
Explanation of the different Billing Accounts:
Filter 'Billing Accounts' selects which rows are included in the report at all.
It does not have any connection to the 'Status Date', which affects to values. It is simply decides if row should be included at all.
'With any credits' - does not filter rows. Includes all.
'With any credits (exclude accounts with 0 current)' - only rows which have some credit right now are visible. Even if they had credit on the 'Status Date' they will be absent from the report if they do not have credit right now.
'With all credits issued before this date' - only show accounts where there were no credit issued after status date. If status date is 12/12, only accounts with only credits on 11/12 and 12/12 are included, on 13/12 - excluded.
'With all credits issued before this date (exclude accounts with 0 current)' in addition to previous filtering also removes all accounts which currently spent all credit.
As with all reports, this report can be downloaded.