Configure Booking Types

Your business will have different types of bookings. A booking type may be a student, teacher, coach, manager on duty, etc and you have the flexibility to add/edit these different types.

Add a New Booking Type

  •       Click on ‘Configure Booking Types’ and select ‘Add New Booking Type’
  •       Add the name and description if required
  •       Tick if this booking is for staff members
  •       Tick if this booking is for staff members and if you want to mark as attended on booking (generally, this is for recreational bookings)
  •       Click ‘Confirm’

Edit a Booking Type

  •       Click on ‘Edit’ and make the necessary changes       
  •       Click ‘Confirm’

Move a Booking Type

If you want to rearrange the booking types, simply:

  •       Click and hold on the ‘Move’ button
  •       Move the booking type to where you require it to be