Setting up School Holiday Programme

Some businesses run a separate school holiday programme to their normal lessons. In Udio you will need to set up the Programme and Courses.

Create a voucher

Settings – Packages & Purchases – Configure voucher types – Add New Voucher Type – School Holiday - Confirm

Add a Programme

Settings – Courses & Programmes – Configure course programmes – Add New Programme – Name: School Holiday – Confirm

Add the courses

Settings – Courses & Programmes – Configure courses – Add New Course  –

  • Name: name of your first course
  • Programme: School Holiday
  • Booking Mode: Every booking requires voucher
  • Mode: Enrolled (if you want customers to book into the same level they are booked into your normal programme online)
  • Introduction email: select email if created
  • Colour: Choose a colour
  • Confirm

Repeat for all courses in your School Holiday programme

Create Packages

Settings – Packages & Purchasing – Configure packages, pricing and availability – Add New Package – Name: School Holiday Half day – Voucher type: School Holiday – Voucher quantity: 1 – Report charges under these programmes – School Holiday – Confirm

Add New Pricing Option – enter information – Confirm

Repeat for all packages required for School Holiday Programme