Personal Results Disciplines

Udio has created a way for your business to enter disciplines and track results for your customers. Within the portal, customers can then view their progress, including their PB count, current PB times and all times for each discipline.

Ensure that you have updated your permissions groups to view these settings.

To set this up go to Settings

  •       Under Courses & Programmes, select ‘Personal Results Disciplines’      
  •       Click ‘Add New Discipline’
  •       Enter the name
  •       Tick the unit and results improvement
  •       Click 'Confirm'
  •       Repeat for all disciplines

Once created you can reorder disciplines by holding and dragging the move button - the list will show in this order in the portal for the customer to view.

Uploading Results

There are two ways to upload results - you can copy from a spreadsheet or via the people page. To copy from a spreadsheet:

  •        Go to Courses & Programmes under settings and select ‘Personal Results Disciplines’
  •        Click ‘Upload Results’ and use the example spreadsheet on the right-hand side as a guide

  •       Once you’ve completed the spreadsheet in the same format as the example, copy the data and paste it into the Results panel
  •       Update the Event date and Event name if required
  •       Click ‘Upload’
  •       Udio will display any errors including the row number of the error; once fixed, copy and paste the whole spreadsheet and click ‘Upload’ again

The example of the spreadsheet is on the left hand side as well as the format of the Units. Once your spreadsheet has been completed, copy the data and past it in the Results panel. Ensure you update the Event date and Event name if required. Upload. Udio will display any errors including the row number of the error. Once fixed, copy and paste the whole spreadsheet and Upload again.

You can also add results from the person’s People page:

  •        Under Member Details, scroll down to Personal Results and click ‘View Results’
  •        Click ‘Add New Result’ in the top right corner
  •        Select the discipline from the dropdown box
  •        Update the date and the event
  •        Enter the value in the format displayed on the personal results disciplines screen
  •        The times will show on this page as well as the number of PBs and which are current PBs

Personal Results Awards

If you have PBs or milestones that you wish to celebrate and view in the portal/reports, add in here:

  •       Under Courses & Programmes, select ‘Personal Results Awards
  •       Click ‘Add New
  •       Add the name of the award
  •       Choose the number of personal bests that the student needs to achieve before receiving this award (e.g. 5, 10, 20, etc.)
  •       Upload an image if you have one which will be displayed in the portal
  •       Click ‘Confirm’
  •       Repeat for all personal awards