June 2016

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for June 2016, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New Customer Accounts signup link in email templates is generated for bill payer
New Shows 'returning' customers for facility
New Upgraded 'new student bookings / First sessions' widget on dashboard
New Common contact details are shared between people on billing account after import (optional)
New Pending stock orders in homepage widget are grouped by status
New Improvements for Courses and Programmes views
New Improvements to package edit form
New 'Questions' are renamed to 'Survey questions'
New 'Instant messenger handles' or 'IM' in people's details are renamed to 'Social accounts'
New User is redirected to facility after creating it
New 'Voucher' filter in bookings by course / facility reports is including only bookings which have used this voucher
Fixed Import pf people was taking wrong people's date  
Fixed Closure day on the last day of the months was not taken into account during purchase charge calculation
Fixed Empty form for bookings cancel was causing server error
Fixed Reply email for payment receipts was set to generic email, not to the facility's
Fixed Some very big store billing accounts had trouble opening
Fixed Adding pricing option for the same facility and same day for package was causing server errors
Fixed Series of sessions with end date set now created in whole