November 2016

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for November 2016, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New Customer can now change dates and times of their booking through Customer Accounts
New Can now add add a charge to the billing account directly, without a purchase. Add New Charge
Improved New account wide settings are added: how restricted booking changes through Customer Accounts are and how far in the future changes to bookings are allowed (moves and new bookings)
Improved When a person is removed from the bookings 'cancelled purchases' list and 'leaving question' are showing this event on the same day now. Previously it was shown twice
Improved Import process has been improved to show on which line of imported file there is an error
Improved Import process also checks people's birthdays now to avoid making duplicate records
Improved 'Why are you leaving' question is now asked in the 'Remove bookings' form
Improved To the Family Add form
Improved When adding people on 'person add' or 'family add' pages Udio now automatically capitalises names of the people (respecting names that start with lower case such as deGaulle
Improved POS related settings are arranged in a more logical way
Improved Customer Accounts settings show full customer accounts URL
Improved Products list has a new filter to show removed and active products separately
Improved Package types changes is not allowed anymore
Improved In Waiting List it is now visible if person is a new customer
Improved In Bookings 'triple dot' button is is now shown when person started the current course and how many sessions he or she has attended
Improved Setup this device as checkin terminal page has been simplified
Improved There is no user list anymore on permissions page.
Improved Voucher types that are in use do not have a 'delete' button anymore
Improved Packages can have a 'special' flag. Those special packages are shown in 'special ' section in Udio
Improved Booking types now have a less confusing flag 'staff bookings' and account has a setting that allows to select whose names are shown in sessions list
Fixed Unsubscribe link in emails does not show server error anymore
Fixed 'Add booking' button is not visible on cancelled sessions' page
Fixed Add session form does not show removed facilities anymore
Fixed Removed facilities should not be shown anywhere
Fixed Add Person and Add Family allows to show more than 1 joining question now
Fixed If payment type was set to both 'manual Stripe' and 'auto Stripe' at the same time, it failed. This has been corrected
Fixed Attendance list look better now and prints all sessions ahead