May 2017

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for May 2017, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New it is possible to reverse charges and cancel closed Sale Order if it does not have any payments, or if payments were reversed. 
New New version of Customer Accounts is in Staging environment to iron-out last bugs
New New design of Self Check-in kiosk interface. Better visibility in low-light conditions
Fixed No server error on importing people's details from the file with completely empty columns
Fixed Minor error on connecting to Stripe from Sandbox environment
Fixed Waiting List places are not getting mixed up across facilities
Fixed Some Waiting List place invitations can't be accepted with error 'all bookings must be removed after.....'
Fixed Non-english characters are no longer causing problems during adding of people details
Fixed Administrative and Event sessions were retired to improve database performance. May be introduced at a later date
Fixed Attendance sheets show only staff members and performance is greatly improved
Fixed Occasional error on iPad-based checkin terminal was rectified
Fixed Only enabled terminals are shown on iPad-based check-in kiosk
Fixed Performance of dashboard should be a lot higher now. It was way too slow if user had access to more than 10 facilities