March 2019

At Udio we are forever changing to ensure we are bringing the most state of the art program updates to you. See below the updates for March 2019, we hope you love them as much as we do.

New Identifying which session is clashing with another
New Setting in Editing of Sessions allowing you to choose if you don't want people to book in. This session will not be displayed in Customer Accounts.
New Help Centre has arrived
New Ability to remove courses that are no longer required
New  Ability to remove Achievements that have been assigned but are no longer used
New Deletion of Direct Debit information for IntegraPay Customers
New Display booking for each person on the Relationship tabs
New Quicker way of inputting Achievements
New Customer Accounts Notices can have links. Such as YouTube. 
Improved Default filters in Bookings Statistics (by course) and Booking Statistics (by facility)
Improved Amendments to the fortnightly package so they charge on the same date
Improved Update to the confirmation email for Customer Accounts
Improved Customers in New Zealand could not add or edit their address through Customer Accounts
Improved Staff members without billing accounts could not reset password in Customer Accounts
Fixed Some Term Based customers had duplicated sessions
Fixed Some sessions were receiving an error when trying to cancel