Configure Courses

Courses are the levels within your programme

Adding a New Course

  • Click on ‘Configure courses’
  • Select ‘Add New Course’
  • Enter the name of the course and select the programme it falls under - Select the course booking mode
  • Related courses are updated for School Holiday programmes - this will display any achievements in the child’s regular course on the School Holiday session
  • Choose the certificate from the dropdown box (these need setting up under ‘Certificates’ and can be added later)

Online Bookings

If you have selected the Customer Portal module, you can add filters so new customers can book directly into a course or returning customers can rebook online.

  • Mode - select the booking mode for your customers to book with for the Portal
  • Full Series - tick ‘Only full series’ for School Holiday Programmes if a customer is to book into the whole week
  • Payment - update if you want your customers to add their DD details at time of booking.
  • Show in Progress - update if you do not want this course to be viewed in the Portal such as Assessment, School Holiday Programme
  • Allow online waiting list add - decide whether you want your customers to be able to add themselves to the waiting list if their preferred class is full - 
  • Add the minimum and maximum age for the bookings
  • Enter a description if you want it displayed in online bookings in the customer portal


  • Choose the colour for this course which will be displayed in the sessions and calendar
  • Upload your logo or course icon if you have one - this will be used in the portal under ‘Progress’
  • Enter ‘General course information (staff)’ to display on the sessions page under course information on the right-hand side of the page
  • Enter ‘General course information (customers)’ which will be displayed in the portal; you can also include links to YouTube or Vimeo
  • Click ‘Confirm’
  • Navigate back to the settings page and select ‘Configure courses’ again - you should now see it in the list of courses
  • Repeat this for each course

Edit an Existing Course

  • Click on ‘Edit’ of the course you need to edit
  • Make the changes necessary
  • Click ‘Confirm’

Moving a Course

  • Click and hold on the ‘Move’ button
  • Move the course to where you require it to be