Migrating to Udio from your Legacy System


Udio needs to be set up specifically for your business. In most cases this is a once off process, however, depending on the number of businesses that you have. There may be the need to update Settings as you bring on new businesses.

Set up pricing to $0.00 for the migration period.

Checking People data

Send Udio sample data of Customers; this should include Responsible Person (parent), swimmers, address, postcode, email and phone numbers. This needs to be in an Excel format.

We will check this data and run a test to ensure it is correct.

Setting up of Sessions

This is completed by your business. It involves creating each session for each business and can be completed independently of the People Import.

Import People

Provide People Import data for all schools, this can be provided for each business in the form of an Excel spreadsheet, please do not make changes to this document.

This import will find all the people with common information such as postcode, phone number or email address and add them to the same billing account. Each family needs to be on the same billing account so family discount can be applied.

Add People to Sessions

This is completed by your business. It involves adding your customers to their sessions, which will create an initial invoice with a $0.00 balance. All customers can be added to each session at the same time.

Once completed update the package pricing to the correct fee.

Udio is unable to import any other data as it is not stored in a format that is usable.