Setting up a complimentary 2nd lesson for a period of time

As this booking is for defined number of weeks, you will be using vouchers.

To set up the voucher type

Setting – Package & Purchasing - Configure voucher type

  •      Name:
  •      Expires after:
  •      Untick ‘Show in customer accounts’
  •      Tick the courses that is related
  •      Click ‘Confirm’

You will have to create one for each Programme this applies to.

Set up the Pricing

Settings – Package & Purchasing – Configure packages, pricing and availability

  •      ‘Add New Package’
  •      Select ‘Voucher Package’
  •      Name:
  •      Voucher Type: the one you have just created
  •      Voucher quantity: 4 (or however many there should be)
  •      Untick ‘Issue vouchers for all people on billing account
  •      Report charges under these programmes: select Babies
  •      Tick ‘Available for purchase’
  •      Untick ‘Special package’
  •      Click ‘Confirm’

If you offer this to multiple Programmes, you will need to create multiple packages.

  •      Click on ‘Add New Pricing Program’
  •      Click on today’s date
  •      Price: 0.00
  •      Select the Facilities this is offered at.

Repeat for the different Programmes.

To book a customer into the lessons

Go to the People page of the swimmer, you will see the permanent booking.

  •      Click on Add Bookings
  •      ‘Add Voucher or Temporary Booking’
  •      Find Sessions – either filter on course or enter the code
  •      Select the following 4 sessions for that series – do not select Series
  •      Confirm
  •      Click on ‘Program’ and ‘Confirm Selection & Create Bookings’
  •      The booking will be completed, and the vouchers will be displayed as ‘Program name’