Configure Facilities

Your primary facility is created when you first sign in. If your business has more than one facility, this section covers the steps required to add an additional facility. You can also add your resource information here, such as a lane, space, room or piece of equipment.

Add a New Facility

  • In settings, go to ‘Configure facilities’ 
  • Click ‘Add New Facility’ and enter the name and ABN - Select your time zone from the dropdown box 
  • If you are using self check-in, tick ‘Allow self check-in with QR codes’
  • Select how many days in advance bookings can be made and changed
  • Add your sender ID if using SMS (usually just the name of the facility as long as it is between 3 and 11 characters)
  • Only update ‘Regular Bookings/Purchases Processing’ if you are closing for the next fee raising period
  • Add a description if required
  • Add an ‘Email from name’ which is the sender name when you send emails to customers (leave blank to use business/facility name)
  • Click ‘Confirm’ - On the next page, add contact details, such as address, phone number and email under ‘Add New’ (note: customers will be able to reply to your emails sent via Udio to this email address)
  • Add resources by clicking ‘Add New’
  • Add the name and a description, if required and click ‘Confirm’
  • Add as many resources as required
  • Add notes that relate to the facility by clicking on ‘Add note’
  • Type the note, tick on the star so the count is displayed and add an attachment if required
  • Click ‘Confirm’
  • You will see a blue circle displayed with a number in it indicating a note (notes will be displayed on the dashboard for that facility)

Edit a Facility

  • From settings, click on ‘Configure facilities’ and select the facility you want to edit
  • Click on ‘Edit facility’ to update the name, ABN, time zone, regular bookings/purchases processing or description
  • Click ‘Confirm’ after making the changes
  • To edit contact details, resources or notes click on the ‘pen’, make your changes and click ‘Confirm’

Delete Information in a Facility

  •       To delete information in contact details, resources and notes click on the trash can and then click on ‘Confirm’